I learned that the bootstrap component "cards" is what I wanted to do instead of the accordian for the last project and the bootstrap grid system is the best way to implement this. I think I learned more in this project about how much I do not understand.
Where to begin. First, I had a lot going on personally this week and did not get to spend the time on this project that it deserved. For panel one I spent time making vectors in illustrator that I hoped I could turn into icons for the other panels but I could barely cahnge anything on the template I chose. Becuase I was pressed for time, I had to just do what I could in the time that I had left. I need to set a meeting this time to see where I went wrong. The third panel doesn't have very much cahnged because I could not figure out how to change more than I did. I may have picked a template with way too much styling. I tried a lot of things in the ways in which we're supposed to change them, but it seemed like there were so many styles applied to each element I was having a hard time figuring out what to target. Outside of that, I am learning it is better to heavily indent all code, especially with divs. Div's within divs can get very confusing very quickly.
I'm really not proud of very much with this project. I was very overwhelemd and confused so I did what I could with the template I chose. I'm wondering if that was just it, I chose a template with so much going on it was more content that I didn't understand, than I did understand.
Where I went wrong with this project for one thing. I will be reaching out to talk about it. I'm honeslty embarassed.